What is Feng Shui?
Feng Shui is the interpretation of the energies that surround and influence us, and the practice of making adjustments in our physical and emotional realm to help find balance and harmony. The spaces you live in, work in, and spend time in should interact with energy flow in a positive way, a way that brings you support and peace. The first and most vital step in balancing yourself is to understand yourself through receiving and understanding your
personal Chinese 4 Pillar chart reading. Once you understand the foundation that you were built upon, you can begin to bring positive and harmonious elements and energies in to your home and work spaces through Feng Shui. The goal of a Feng Shui Practioner is to adjust the underlying environmental Chi to suit you and those you share your home with. Let's work together to creat alignment in you.
Samantha M. Dunford
Certified Feng Shui Practioner
Chinese Astrological Chart Readings
Family Relationship Astrological Chart Readings
Business Relationship Astological Chart Readings
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